All Good Intentions Of Blogging

Awhile back I posted a couple of little posts back to back and I was thinking “WOW! I am back!” butttt then life took over yet again. Sadly blogging became something that I felt I just didn’t have time for. I really enjoy blogging but sometimes I have to pick and choose what I have time to do.So since it has been awhile let me update you a little on my life.
I have gotten married, moved during covid for my husbands job, and have had a little cutie of a child. It hasn’t all been a walk in the park but it has all been blessings both big and small. I hope to fill you all in through the next couple of weeks. Though I make zero promises. 🙂

Since my life has transitioned so will this blog. I have decided to stop teaching full-time and stay at home with my daughter. It has been both such an amazing change but also a HUGE adjustment. I find myself less mentally challenged right now but I hope that this will allow me to use that energy to create. I have been painting and practicing with the technique called fluid art. It looks so easy when you see someone doing it but I am finding out there is a lot that goes into it. I do have a very small Etsy shop and hope to grow the product there. I also am looking at selling at festivals (which my current town has a lot of!). I also have some other things I am working on like teaching on Outschool and helping homeschooling families with their curriculum and teaching methods. All of these things are pretty new and haven’t fully taken off but hopefully as my daughter continues to grow I’ll find a little more time to get things moving along in the creation and education realm.

Recently we have not been traveling much but with Covid closing the world down I think that is understandable. Then of course with a new born traveling can be difficult…though I do plan on posting about a couple of flying with a baby advise posts so stay tuned for that!

With all that said, thank you for reading this far! I hope you will be able to find something here for you!

Best wishes!

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